"I'm always looking for ways to go green. This site is just what i was looking for. They offer a variety of ideas."
"Seems like a pretty good website to help one to choose different ways of going green in many aspects of ones life. Whether you are eatting out, staying out a hotel/motel, buying clothes to cosmetics, we all have choices. Why not make the choice to go green when you spend your money? Seems like a pretty good website to help one to choose different ways of going green in many aspects of ones life. Whether you are eatting out, staying out a hotel/motel, buying clothes to cosmetics, we all have choices. Why not make the choice to go green when you spend your money? "
"Love it! Great ideas and fun to read... looking forward to more!"
"This is a great site for making it easier to choose green! I would recommend."
"Great articles on this website. I had no idea that PINK was an organically made product. Great information on organic flowers as well. I enjoyed reading everything here."
"I liked the ideas and the blog style of the website. I love getting information, ideas and opinions on products from 'real' people who have actually used it. "
"Great concept ! Working at an environmental lab, I think it is important for people to know excactly what is in cosmetics, and the possible long term effects of using something that you have no clue what it is made of! Look forward to watching this website evolve.Great concept ! Working at an environmental lab, I think it is important for people to know excactly what is in cosmetics, and the possible long term effects of using something that you have no clue what it is made of! Look forward to watching this website evolve."
"I love the idea of going green and this is just great for us girly girls that are torn between looking good and being eco friendly!I love the idea of going green and this is just great for us girly girls that are torn between looking good and being eco friendly!"
"Like the site! I love reading about enviromentally safe products, this site is good with fresh and new products that have come out. I havent seen it advertised that VS is having a new "green" line of lotions (pretty cool!) I didnt know about the new KEDS! Great site to stay on the newest ideas! I will bookmark it!!"
-via http://www.bzzagent.com/frog/FrogHome.do?name=Pink-Green-Chick&frogIdent=6113444460